Letter the The Editor: Follow up to Malibu Urgent Care Letter

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

Dear Editor,

A couple of weeks ago you printed a lovely note from Dermot Stoker about the treasure that is Malibu Urgent Care and its importance to this community.

Now for the first time they have instituted a “concierge-type” fee where for $399 annually one can be certain to book an appointment ahead of time to save your place in line. Malibu Urgent Care has always had to rely on the generosity of folks to support its services and I assume that, like everything else, its costs have risen past the point where only occasional donations no longer can keep it working as well as it always has.

This bothers me — one of the glories of Malibu Urgent Care has been that it served all who came there: first come, first served. In our town there is more than enough of a separation between the haves and have-nots and outfits like Malibu Urgent Care and Malibu Labor Exchange have helped lighten the burden of some of those less fortunate than others who often serve the rest of us.

So, I propose that if you can afford $399 to save yourself a place in line please simply donate that to our Urgent Care facility and forget the “concierge-type” fee which will only increase our separation from each other. C’mon, if you can afford it, cough it up to help keep Malibu whole. And healthy.

Alan Myerson, Point Dume